Membership Renewal Notices


Membership renewal notices begin mailing out 5 months prior to your expiration date. There is no penalty to renewing early - it will add a full year on to your current expiration date (you are not deducted any months for renewing early). You will continue to receive notices until you renew your membership, or your membership expires. Those wishing to reduce the mail received can sign up for auto renew at You may also find tune the amount, frequency, and type of communications you receive by emailing or calling 1-800-834-2419.

I already renewed....

If you recently submitted your renewal dues payment and subsequently received an additional renewal notice, please accept our apologies. It is possible they crossed in the mail. There is always a period of time between when names are pulled for the next round of renewal notice mailings and when payments are coming in to be processed. If you continue to receive renewal notices, please let us know by emailing or calling 1-800-834-2419.


Why am I receiving a Membership Renewal Notice?


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