
Rod Patch
7500 Highway 50
Salida, CO 81201


About us

Whether you need a complete outfit or just a fishing license, be assured you will have our full attention and appreciation of your patronage. We offer the same individualized service on our guided trips. Our menu is structured to cover the water as effectively as possible, offering experiences and instruction for all levels of ability and experience. However, if you don’t see what you want, ask for it. We are always glad to customize a trip to meet individual needs.


What we do

At ArkAnglers, our number one product is information; timely, accurate, reliable information. If we can provide that in a coherent and humble way, through our website and our fly shops, the success our customers experience on the river will be reflected in our business as well. Operating fly shops in Salida and Buena Vista, as well as the region’s largest guide service, puts us in a unique position for assembling that information. We get daily reports from throughout the river corridor from our guides, our guests, and our retail customers. These accounts of individual experiences are rather like snapshots of distinct places, times, and the use of specific techniques or fly patterns. They are anecdotal, dependent on the perception and decisions of the teller of the tale, but taken as a whole, and combined with our own observations and the data we crunch each day, these accounts combine to formulate the clearest understanding of what is happening in the fishery. If we have done our job, this information will enhance your fishing experience on the water.

Where we do it

Salida and Buena Vista, CO


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