's posts

Gallery BY ON September 11, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Photos from caltagm
The Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands (SITLA) Board drew fire from sportsmen this past week after secretly leasing a large portion of the Book Cliffs, a prized hunting and fishing area, to oil and gas giant, Anadarko. The move was seen as a stab in the back to sportsmen and the Utah [ READ MORE... ]
Blog Post BY ON September 4, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Healthy rivers for New Mexico
Hats off to Gov. Susana Martinez for taking the reins on New Mexico’s water situation. On Aug. 15, she announced that she would request $1.5 million in capital outlay dollars to fund New Mexico River Stewards, a program to restore troubled streams. These funds can leverage federal and local [ READ MORE... ]
Not many anglers can deny climate change anymore – many of us have seen first hand the changes on our rivers and streams in recent years. And while we can go round on the politics, the outlook, and the answer, the fact is if the models are even a little bit true – the tiniest bit – we are in for [ READ MORE... ]
Blog Post BY ON March 26, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Rio Grande del Norte: The Kid's River
                    By Garrett VeneKlasen
Rio Grande del Norte from Our Sporting Heritage on Vimeo. By Garrett VeneKlasen
As Sally Jewell sat for her confirmation hearing as the Secretary of the Interior this morning, there seemed to be a general tenor underlining all questions and answers, a tenor that applies directly to anglers and hunters.
Sportsmen are not that different than mountain climbers in spirit. We seek. We aspire. We set goals and then sweat for those goals. We always look to the next horizon. Our love of the land is deeply seated within our genes. Like mountain climbers, we do things that seem crazy to the rest of the [ READ MORE... ]
TU’s Dave Sweet was recently selected as a Field and Stream Hero of Conservation and featured in the February issue of the magazine.