Submitted by walt_gasson on Wed, 2018-11-21 07:49 Conservation West of The Rockies Curt Gowdy - 205 Wyoming - 9WY Greater Yellowstone Area The Front Porch Trout Magazine Wyoming Range Little Mountain The Green River TU Businesses & Guides Outdoor Communicators Public lands not for sale Wild Steelheaders United Vote Up Down +387 + boats-on-water-new-1200x650.jpg At TU, we’re strong defenders of our public lands. We see these lands as a legacy for future generations and a keystone in our efforts to protect, reconnect, restore and sustain coldwater fisheries across America. These are your lands and waters, to hunt and fish and hike and enjoy within the limits and the laws of the land. What if there was an app for that? What if there was a company who not only makes that app, but supports our shared right to use those public lands. The good news is that there is. Here’s a quote from that company: “As a company that prides itself on providing a means to accessing public land across the country, onX is adamantly opposed to any transfer, sale, or other action which would jeopardize the public’s opportunity to experience these lands.” That’s the company – onX. They’re in Missoula, Mont., and they’re a TU Business member. And they’re in the business of making great digital maps to help you legally access public lands across America. You can use it from your desktop, your mobile device or your GPS. I’ve used one for years, and I’m a believer. At the risk of resurrecting an old cliché, I don’t leave home without them. Let’s say you want to check out places where you can legally access your favorite stream. It’s simple with onX. Do your initial scouting from your desktop. Identify the public lands you can reach from a public road. Then use the onX app on your phone or your GPS to give you step by step location information as you make your way to that honey hole. It’s so easy even I can do it. And here’s the best part: Between now and Dec. 31, 2018, TU members and supporters get 20 percent off on onX products. Just go to and choose your maps, then enter the discount code “TROUT” at checkout. I can’t think of a better holiday gift than easy access to millions of acres of public lands in America. OnX is a proud TU Business member. — Walt Gasson