Submitted by rtraczyk on Thu, 2015-04-02 19:12 Groups audience Wild Rivers - 415 Vote Up Down 0 + Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 - 11:30pm to Thursday, April 9th, 2015 - 1:00am Our meeting will be at the Iron River Fish Hatchery. Directions-from US 2 go North on Hwy A for 6.6 miles to Fairview Rd; turn East on Fairview Rd to the Hatchery Entrance Road; Continue straight at the intersection of Wiedenaar Rd. For those interested in dinner that night, we will meet at the Pizza Parlor in Iron River at 5 pm. The Parlor is located at 68285 S. Main St. Iron River. We will finalize the plans for the Expo at this meeting. Election of officers will also be held. If you would like to become an officer please come to the meeting and express your interest. Who's attending this event? Robert Traczyk