100 Best: Housatonic River

Location: Western Connecticut

Type of stream: Tailwater

Angling methods Fly, spin, bait

Species: Rainbows, browns

Access Easy

Season: Year-round Supporting

Services: West Cromwell

Short take: Greatest catch and release river in New England

Handicapped access: None

Closest TU Chapter: Northwest Connecticut

The dam at the top of Great Falls on the Housatonic River is a relic of the Industrial Revolution. Its black rocky bottom soaks up solar radiation just as a dark shirt does on a sunny day. Thermal pollution was once the curse of this, one of the most scenic of New England rivers. However, persistent action by the Naugatuck Chapter of TU, members of the Housatonic Fly Fishers Association, and staff from Connecticut DEP saved the river. With thermometers taped to yardsticks, they gathered proof that hot peaking flows from the dam were cooking the Housy’s trout. Facts in hand, they argued for run-of-river flows and won.

While “run of river” management relieved the river, it still becomes dangerously warm for trout on sunny summer afternoons. From June 15 to August 31, angling within 100 feet cold water tributaries is forbidden where posted. Three miles of river, from the top of Housatonic Meadows at a pool called the “Meat Hole” downstream to Route 4 at Cornwall Bridge, is set aside for fly fishing. Pools in this stretch bear names famous in the annals of Connecticut trouting: Push ‘em Up Pool, the Doctor’s Hole, the Elms, Garbage, Horse, Carse Brook, Cellar, Rainbow Run… The Housy is best fished spring and fall.



said on Saturday, March 31st, 2018

The information stated is incorrect. The Housatonic River has not been a tailwater for over twenty years. I live on the Housatonic River and the photo showing the covered bridge is located in West Cornwall, Connecticut and not West Cromwell. The information on Chapter 009 is also incorrect. I am the president of that chapter, and it is located at West Cornwall. Visit www.nwctu.org for the correct information. There is a Naugatuck Chapter of TU but it's name is Naugatuck-Pomparaug, they're located nowhere near West Cornwall. The Housatonic has two Trout Management areas, both are open year round, to fly fishing only, barbless hooks, catch and release. The Cornwall TMA begins at the intersection of CT-112 and US-7 in Falls Village and runs south, following US-7 to the intersection of US-7 and CT-4 in Cornwall Bridge. The Bulls Bridge TMA begins at Bulls Bridge(New York and CT, about two miles south of CT-341 and US-7 and runs south, again, along US-7 to the Hydro-station just above Gaylordsville, CT


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