Restoration Design and Monitoring

The Science Team works closely with TU program staff and grassroots to address the how of restoration. The design of a successful restoration project requires a variety of skills and knowledge that must take into account the entire aquatic system as well as our target species. Monitoring is an important component of any restoration project because it allows us to track the effectiveness of our restoration work.


Dauwalter, D.C., K. A. Fesenmyer, S.W. Miller, T. Porter. 2018. Response of Riparian Vegetation, Instream Habitat, and Aquatic Biota to Riparian Grazing Exclosures. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:1187-1200.


Dauwalter, D., K. Fesenmyer, and P. Holden. 2017. Stream temperature monitoring: a handbook for Trout Unlimited chapters. Version 2. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, VA.

Dauwalter, D., B. Giordano, Z. Jackson, J. Johnson, M. Lopez, T. Stephens. 2017. Apache Trout Monitoring Plan. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia. TU worked with Arizona Game and Fish Department and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a comprehensive monitoring plan for Apache trout to facilitate a better understanding of the species’ status over time.


MacCartney, J. M., J. A. Magee, and J. J. Field. 2014. Restoring trout habitat in difficult to access areas using mobile wood additions. Wild Trout Symposium XI, pages 67-75. Results of using unanchored (mobile) wood additions in Nash Stream in northern New Hampshire to restore natural channel processes and aquatic habitat in a degraded river system.

Purdy, S., K. Fesenmyer, and R. Henery.  2014. The Upper Truckee River: Aquatic Habitat Monitoring for Restoration and Adaptive Management. This report provides an analysis of aquatic habitat conditions in the Upper Truckee Restoration Area and describes the potential implications of habitat conditions for the fish community. Appendix A - Maps.


Haak, A.L. and W. T. Colyer. 2012. Upper Blackfoot River Watershed Assessment and Identification of Priority Projects.  TU Publication for the Upper Blackfoot River Initiative for Conservation. Results of an aquatic assessment of the Upper Black River Watershed in southern Idaho, including identification of priority project areas within the watershed and recommended restoration strategies.  Watershed maps of aquatic species and habitat integrity factors are included in Appendix A. - Maps


Dauwalter, D.C. and K.A. Fesenmyer. 2011.  Stream Temperature Monitoring: A Brief Primer for Trout Unlimited Chapters. This document provides an overview of stream temperature monitoring objectives and techniques, with several examples of how stream temperature data can be used by TU chapters.

Dauwalter, D.C., and F.J. Rahel. 2011. Patch size and shape influence the accuracy of mapping small habitat patches with a global positioning system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 179:123-135. GPS is a tool used to monitor aquatic habitats and this study evaluated how well habitats can be mapped with a GPS receiver.

Williams, J.E.  2011.  Healing troubled waters: a primer on stream restoration practices. Trout 53(4):36-41.  An introduction to the most effective forms of stream restoration as explained and illustrated on the pages of Trout magazine. 


Dauwalter, D.C., F.J. Rahel, K.G. Gerow. 2010. Power of revisit monitoring designs to detect forest-wide declines in trout populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:1462-1468.  Broad-scale monitoring programs are needed to detect subtle changes in fish populations, and this study evaluated the ability of different monitoring designs to detect small, persistent declines in trout populations.


Dauwalter, D. C., F. J. Rahel, and K. G. Gerow. 2009. Temporal variation in trout populations: implications for monitoring and trend. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society  138:38-51.  Monitoring data show trout populations to fluctuate substantially over time and this study shows how the level of fluctuation can prohibit long-term trends from being detected in standard monitoring programs.


Williams, J.E., A.L. Haak, N.G. Gillespie, H.M. Neville, and W.T. Colyer.  2007.  Healing troubled waters: preparing trout and salmon habitat for a changing climate.  Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia.  A ‘how-to’ guide for helping our trout and salmon populations and their habitats adapt to the impacts of global warming. 

Williams, J.E., A.L. Haak, H.M. Neville, W.T. Colyer, and N.G. Gillespie.  2007.  Climate change and western trout: strategies for restoring resistance and resilience in native populations.  In, Wild Trout IX Symposium. Pages 236-246. West Yellowstone, Montana.  Taking a watershed-scale approach to find adaptation strategies for western trout populations during an era of climate change.


Williams, J.E., W. Colyer, N. Gillespie, A. Harig, D. DeGraaf, and J. McGurrin.  2006.  A guide to native trout restoration: science to protect and restore coldwater fishes and their habitats. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia.  Straightforward and ecologically sound steps to restore trout populations and their streams.

Williams, J.E., and G.H. Reeves.  2006.  Stream systems. Pages 298-318 in, D. Apostol and M. Sinclair, eds. Restoring the Pacific Northwest: the art and science of ecological restoration in Cascadia.  Island Press, Washington, D.C.   In this chapter, two top fishery scientists, Jack Williams and Gordie Reeves, describe stream restoration techniques and philosophies most appropriate for the Pacific Northwest. 


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