How to Start a Chapter - 2015The basic requirements for a new TU chapter include a chapter name, a list of chapter officers and directors, bylaws, and zip codes. However there are a number of other items you'll need to understand prior to starting a new chapter. Follow these seven simple steps to start a TU chapter in your area. New Chapter Development Concept - 2012A new concept for early chapter development. The new chapter groups and their parent chapters and councils must comply with the following procedures to assure that their operations are within the structure of the parent chapter or council. Alternative Engagement Group Operating Procedures - 2018This document will help you understand how to set up an alternative engagement group under a parent chapter or council in order to be compliant with insurance and IRS regulations. Alternative engagement groups can be great ways to organize non-traditional groups within the TU community but outside the typical chapter meeting model. TU Staff Organizational Chart - Feb 2018An organizational chart of all departments and staff within TU and the reporting structure. To contact staff, all TU staff email addresses are first initial last name at (Example: John Doe would be You can also search for staff contact and phone numbers, as well as view individual staff profiles in the online staff directory. Volunteer Code of Ethics - 2018At TU we are committed to honest and ethical behavior and to accomplishing our mission with integrity. This Code of Ethics applies to each and every one of TU's volunteers on the chapter and council level. TU's History and Organizational Structure - 2012This brief overview of TU's 53 year history provides background on where we have been and how we are structured to accomplish our mission and vision. TU's Strategic Planning ResourcesThis is a brief overview of TU's strategic plan that places the national organization, councils and chapters on a trajectory to achieve the TU vision. It also includes resources such as strategic planning templates and guidance documents. Chapter Focus - 2012This five-page document examines how to help chapters evaluate and then increase chapter effectiveness in the four areas of: conservation, youth education, service to members and business practices. Also included in this document are chapter officer checklists that outline responsibilities for new chapter leaders. Council Focus - 2012This five-page document examines how to help council evaluate and then increase their own effectiveness and show value to their chapter. Also included in this document are council officer checklists that outline responsibilities for new council leaders. Keeping the Peace - 2012Effectively avoid or manage conflict in your TU chapter or council Chapter and Council Fundraising - 2012Fundraising is one of the core functions of both chapters and councils. This document outlines some of the key ways chapters and councils can raise funds. Sample Chapter Budget Template - 2012This sample template can help many chapters easily and simply allocate and manage funds. Attract New Members and Volunteer Leaders - 2012Attract and activate new members, volunteers and leaders to build stronger and more sustainable chapters and councils. Leadership Mountain Presentation - 2012Former Council Chair, Chapter President and Grassroots Trustee, Sharon Lance, guides us on a one-hour training on how to effectively move members into volunteer positions and volunteers into leadership positions.