Science Interpretation and Technology Transfer

An important aspect of our work is communicating our analyses and research in a meaningful way to a variety of audiences from our peers in the scientific community to resource managers, TU staff, volunteers and school kids.  We have a variety of citizen science tools to improve stream monitoring, climate change awareness, identification of aquatic invasive species, and other hazards to our stream systems.


Dauwalter, D., J.E. Williams and W.T. Colyer. 2016. Preparing trout for a warmer world through stream, riparian and watershed restoration. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia. While a warming climate is predicted to dramatically reduce trout habitat throughout the West, TU is implementing adaptive, climate-smart tools to improve resiliency through channel, riparian, and watershed restoration.


Bozeman, B. 2014. An Angler's Guide to Water Quality Monitoring. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia. This handbook provides Trout Unlimited chapters, members, and other volunteers an introduction to the subject of water quality monitoring and the information necessary to monitor their local streams to gain a better understanding of these aquatic ecosystems.
Dauwalter, D.C. 2014. Fish Stress from Catch-And-Release Fishing. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia. A synopsis of findings on the impacts of catch-and-release fishing on fish as well as guidelines to help reduce fish stress.
Neville, H.M. and J.E. Williams. 2014. Climate Change: It's Here and it's Real: What Does it Mean for our Angling Future? Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia. This pamphlet describes some of the observed changes that are especially relevant to our coldwater fishery resources, and gives a call to action.


International Didymo Conference. 2013. International Didymo Conference: New horizons in science and management.

Staudt, A., D. Inkley, A. Rubinstein, E. Walton, and J. Williams.  2013.  Swimming upstream: freshwater fish in a warming world. National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C.   TU’s top scientist joins forces with the National Wildlife Federation to describe impacts to our nation’s freshwater fishes as a result of our changing climate.

Wiltshire, B. 2013. What I Think I learned at the 2013 International Didymo Conference.


Danforth, T. (2012). Grey vs. Green: the benefits of natural flood control in a changing climate. This paper looks at the successes of natural flood control and the failures of dredging and channelization as responses to flooding events and major storms in a changing climate.

Williams, J.E., M.P. Dombeck, and C.A. Wood.  2012. My healthy stream: a handbook for streamside owners, 1st edition. Trout Unlimited, Arlington, Virginia.  This handbook is the ideal introduction to riparian management, water quality, stream monitoring and restoration for the landowner and others interested in stream and streamside management. 


Steinbach, E.L.C., Stromberg, K.E., Ryce, E.K.N. and Bartholomew, J.L. 2009. Whirling Disease in the United States: A Summary of Progress in Research and Management. Trout Unlimited Whirling Disease Foundation.

Williams, J.E., A.L. Haak, and N.G. Gillespie.  2009. Coldwater fish.  Pages 30-51 Beyond Season’s End: A Path Forward for Fish and Wildlife in the Era of Climate Change. Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington, D.C.  Beyond Season’s End is produced by a Sportsmen's Coalition of hunting and fishing organizations and describes climate change impacts on fish and game resources. 


Wildlife Management Institute.  2008.  Season's End: Global Warming's Threat to Hunting and Fishing.  Published by the Bipartisan Policy Center, Washington D.C., with contributions from Trout Unlimited, BASS, Izaak Walton League of America and other conservation and sportsmen's organizations.


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