Trout Unlimited Veterans Service Partnership

Who we are

Throughout its history, our nation has been blessed with an extraordinary band of men and women who have sacrificed so much for the people of our nation. Regardless of the situation, regardless of the danger, these brave individuals have answered the call to protect our liberties and freedoms. TU is appreciative of their sacrifices and their service. In ever-growing number, our members are stepping up to provide healing, rehabilitation, hope and community to all veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much to protect the freedoms we all enjoy.

The Veterans Service Partnership is a nationwide effort initiated by TU in 2011 to bring the healing power of the water to those who have served our nation so boldly. As we engage our 400 chapters and 300,000 members and supporters in this good work, we are seeing miracles, large and small, on a regular and increasing basis.

TU VSP Couples fly fishing trip to Slough Creek in Yellowstone National Park

What we do

The TU VSP is a network of 300,000 members and supporters that operate out of over 400 chapters across the country. Each TU chapter is a ready-made community of passionate conservationists and anglers. Each participant in the VSP program receives a complimentary membership to TU and is automatically assigned to a TU chapter. For many served by TU's VSP, they are quickly integrated into their chapter community which becomes a safe haven where veterans can serve and be served in return. The chapter is a place where friends are made; where someone comes to learn fly tying and then returns to teach it; and it's a place where a passion is born and a commitment to protect the resource is fostered. At the national level and locally through our chapters, we partner with numerous organizations to leverage our resources and increase our impact, including Student Veterans of America, Project Healing Waters, Warriors and Quiet Waters, Eagle Rock Camp, Rivers of Recovery, , America's Warrior Partnership, Embrace-A-Vet, Sun Valley Higher Ground, and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (T.A.P.S.)

What you can do

Are you a veteran, looking to find a local TU Veterans Services Partnership program? Use our chapter search tool to find your local chapter and reach out to Dave Kumlien [406.570.0023 |] We want to connect you to our great network of anglers and conservationists across this country.

Are you looking to volunteer for a local TU Veterans Services Partnership program? Similarly, please use our chapter search tool to find your local chapter. With over 200 chapters with active programs, there is a good chance there is something going on near to you.

If your local chapter doesn't have a veterans program, contact us for information on how to start a VSP program locally. Every community, regardless of size, has a population of veterans that can benefit from our approach. If this sounds like something that you might have a passion for, it's as simple as reading our VSP Chapter Program Guide, visiting the TU VSP resources webpage, or contacting our Veterans Service Partnership staff: Dave Kumlien [406.570.0023 |]

Our program sponsors

TU would like to thank the many individuals, businesses, and foundations that make this work possible, especially TELOS Corporation, CACI and the George L. Ohrstrom Foundation.

Sponsorship opportunities are always available, from underwriting a specific nationally-led veterans trip to the donation of gear to support our TU chapter programs and everything in between. If you or your company is interested in donating to Trout Unlimited's Veterans Services Partnership Program, please contact Dave Kumlien at 406.570.0023 or


Dave Kumlien, TU's Veterans Service Partnership Coordinator 406.570.0023 |


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