The role of the National Leadership Council (NLC) and its rules for functioning are detailed in Article IV. of the TU bylaws and in this comprehensive NLC Representative Manual. The NLC is the volunteer body that sets the direction of TU and is made up of one representative elected from each state of TU’s 36 councils.
The NLC has three purposes:
- Establish the National Conservation Agenda (NCA)
- Facilitate implementation of the National Conservation Agenda (NCA)
- Build the organizational capacity of TU
Click here to read a history of the NLC
Click here to download the NLC Representative Manual
The NLC accomplishes these three tasks by being a conduit between councils and TU national. NLC Representatives bring issues and concerns from their states to the national level and then bring decisions and initiatives from the national level back to their councils. The NLC meets annually in person at the Annual Meeting and via teleconferences throughout the year.
The NLC Chair and Secretary are elected annually by the members of the NLC and serve on the TU Board of Trustees. In addition, the NLC nominates grassroots trustees to serve on the Board as well as Embrace-a-Stream committee members.
NLC Representatives also serve on workgroups that focus on specific conservation or organizational issues that span more than two states. NLC workgroups are established to address regional or organization-wide issues. These workgroups are composed mainly, but not exclusively, of NLC members and are supported by one or more staff members. There are two main categories of workgroups: conservation and organizational. The current NLC workgroups are:
Conservation Workgroups
- Great Lakes
- Native Trout
- Climate Change
- Delaware River
- TU DARE (Driftless Area Restoration Effort)
- Responsible Energy
- Land Conservancy
- Access
- Tailwaters
- Mining
Organizational Workgroups
The composition and tasks of workgroups will change with time. To find out more about current NLC workgroups ask your council’s NLC Representative.
The purpose of the National Conservation Agenda (NCA) is to chart the course for all components of TU – national staff, councils, chapters and members – to work together on a shared enterprise to implement TU’s mission. The most recent NCA was adopted in September of 2018 and can be viewed in full online. The critical focus areas were identified as:
- Bristol Bay Pebble Mine
- Yellowstone National Park native fish conservation
- Gas & oil development including, but not limited to, withdrawal, distribution, sand mining, and waste management.
- Clean Water Act
- Good Samaritan fix via legislation or administration
- Hard rock mining issues
- Climate change
- Trout Unlimited capacity