Risk Management

Safeguarding Chapter and Council Assets
Financial and Property Controls Policy (PDF – 2015)
This policy sets out several requirements and recommendations to help officers and directors safeguard TU funds and other chapter and council assets.
Use this document to help your chapter or council keep track of all inventories. TU’s Financial and Property Controls Policy requires that all inventory is tracked that is in excess of $200.
This recorded PowerPoint presentation provides information about the TU Financial and Property Controls Policy.

Managing Liability and Risk
The purpose of this guidance document is to alert chapter and council leaders to the risks associated with contracts, to suggest ways for chapters and councils to structure agreements to minimize those risks, and to require that TU’s national staff approve certain kinds of agreements.
By complying with the items on this checklist for any boating event in which you are involved, you can help assure that your event will be safe.
Chapters and councils should be aware that the improper use of copyrighted materials or a trademark at meetings, on a website, or in materials sent to members can result in substantial damages claims against individuals as well as the chapter or council. Please use the following guidelines for any copyrighted materials or trademarks you desire to use.
TU's privacy statement for volunteer that demonstrates our firm commitment our members privacy concerns.
TU Litigation Policy (PDF – 2010) 
This policy must be followed when a chapter or council is contemplating involvement in any litigation. The policy is designed to ensure that TU and volunteer leaders are aware of and approve potential litigation before it is filed, to assure that the risks of the litigation (including the financial risks) are understood and provided for, and to ensure that filing decisions are made using consistent criteria.
TU Code of Ethics (PDF - 2018)
Youth Camps and Other Youth Projects
It is vitally important that all of TU’s youth programs have as their highest priority the safety and well-being of the children who participate in them. This document outlines TU’s guidelines for working with youth to ensure programs are carefully structured and supervised to minimize the risks of danger and other harm to youth.
TU performs background checks for all volunteers and staff who participate in overnight youth camps sponsored by TU national, chapters, and councils. This document establishes procedures for doing background checks on adults who participate in TU Camps and also addresses TU's Sexual Abuse Policy.
TU Sexual Abuse Policy (PDF – 2019) 
TU strives to create a safe environment for youth, employees, and volunteers so that youth can grow, learn, and have fun while actively participating in sponsored events. Part of creating a safe environment is making sure child sexual abuse is discussed, addressed, and prevented. This policy 
Liability Waivers
Provided here are two sample liability waivers for TU-sponsored events, one for adults and one for children under the age of 18 years. If your event involves youth, a parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver form for the child. The laws of each state vary greatly concerning what must appear in a waiver or liability form; therefore, sample forms should be reviewed by a lawyer in your state. 
Photo Waiver Form (PDF – 2011) 
Insurance Coverage
In the event you are in need of a certificate of liability insurance, please fill out this online form which will be submitted to TU Volunteer Operations staff and our insurance provider.
TU offers additional accident insurance for TU chapters and councils that will extend $25,000 or $50,000 of medical coverage per participant per accident for all TU sponsored events, including youth camps.
These frequently asked questions and answers (FAQs) will help chapters and councils understand in great detail the insurance coverage available to chapters and councils.
Requirements Dictated by the Limitations of TU’s 501(c)(3)
Chapters or councils may not endorse or oppose any candidate for public office, must strictly account for the portion of its activities devoted to lobbying, cannot donate money to a non-501(c)(3) organization or a 501(c)(3) organization that does not further TU’s mission, and must use great caution when granting scholarships to individuals. This document details these IRS related restrictions. 
For Chapters/ Councils that File Form 990 or 990EZ or that Employ Staff
Chapters or councils who are large enough to file a Form 990 will be asked additional questions on that form regarding your business practices, and it is of particular importance that you are compliant and demonstrate a healthy operation. The policies below should be adopted in some form by your chapter or council. In addition, you should ensure that your entire Board of Directors reviews your Form 990 prior to submitting it with the IRS.
This document includes a sample annual conflict of interest disclosure questionnaire.

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