1st Float Stocking Trip

Ok, I finally got my butt out to a TU event and helped float stock the Patuxent last week with some members of my chapter. This despite having not yet made it to a meeting in the past year thanks to work (though I won't be missing the next one featuring Dan Davala's tips on shad fishing). Anyway, it was rewarding way to experience the water while not fishing. I met some great guys/volunteers including Nick Weber who's work on this stretch (along with Carl Smolka and Jay Sheppard and others) has been pretty cool. In the last few years they've done stream restoration projects, bank stabilization and worked with the MD DNR to get the Brighton Dam's bottom release gates repaired so the tailwater could run cold during hotter weather. I heard some inspiring stories and look forward to doing more with my chapter.

I put up a blog post with pics over at www.deadbait.wordpress.com

SE MD folk interested in float stocking, the next stocking is this Friday, 28th. Email jmsheppar@aol.com for details.


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