A Life in Conservation: Joe Humphreys Live the Stream

Joe Humphreys' contributions to Trout Unlimited and conservation span an exceptionally active lifetime. In 1973, Joe was a founder of the Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited and became its first president. His major contribution to conservation was conceiving and organizing the Thompson Run Project, which is one of the most impor¬tant stream improvement projects completed by the Chapter. Not only has the trout fishery of Thompson Run been restored, but now upper Spring Creek is recharged with a constant supply of cool spring water. Thompson Spring itself discharges over 4000 gallons of water per minute. This restoration project improved all of Spring Creek downstream of Thompson Run. A report on the project appeared in the 1982 winter issue of Trout, TU's national magazine. Joe’s efforts ensured that Spring Creek will remain a viable and significant contributor to Pennsylvania’s fishing legacy. He won the Walter Thompson Award for this deed, an annual award that distinguishes outstanding conservationists of Centre County. Joe grew up fishing Spring Creek, built his home along it and has a strong love for the stream. Now, at 87, he continues to preach the importance of water quality and viable trout streams.

Now, a new film, Live the Stream, about Joe Humphreys life is in production and has just released a new trailer as part of their Indiegogo fundraising campaign. You can view the teaser here on the Indiegogo site here.

When asked, "What’s one thing that you want your viewers to take away from the film, Live the Stream?"

Joe responds: “Conservation. We have the most beautiful streams in the country, and I’ve had the joy through my life to be on them and to fish them and they have been such an important part of my life, and the preservation thereof, I think, is so important. It’s absolutely shaped my life, and like I say, I think I’ve felt the water running through my veins at times. I was so mesmerized and taken by it. I think God has given this to us, and it’s such a wonderful gift that we have to preserve it.”

Joe is still imparting his wisdom and experience to the next generation as an active member of Spring Creek Chapter of TU. The Spring Creek Chapter of TU has just started a Veterans Service program at which Joe was a recent speaker. Spring Creek Chapter is known for its ambitious habitat program which includes recent work in eight locations leading to 7100 feet of riparian planting, 13 in-stream structures, and over 4,800 volunteer hours.Their innovative version of Trout in the Classroom "Y Trout" is a partnership with the local YMCA and generates thousands of visitors a year. For more information on Spring Creek TU, visit www.springcreektu.org. For more information on Joe Humphreys, visit http://www.appoutdoors.com/joehumphreys/



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