Submitted by BeverlySmith on Wed, 2015-12-16 13:32 Guadalupe River - 066 Maryland - 167 Redwood Empire - 922 California - 9CA Michigan Trout Unlimited - 9MI Wisconsin Council of Trout Unlimited 9WI Wyoming - 9WY TU Women's Discussion Trout Magazine Trout Unlimited Council Chairs Georgia Council - 9GA Upper Chattahoochee Chapter - 436 Women's Initiative Chair Forum National Leadership Council - NLC Embrace-a-Stream Vote Up Down +354 + AAT6.jpg Angler Science + STREAM Education... you might be thinking, huh? Well, hang on. We suspect you may well know these two TU programs, and perhaps you have engaged with one or both of them locally. And, we're really interested to learn from you if you do!So, what is ANGLER SCIENCE? In essence it is the concept that TU members, as anglers and users of streams and rivers, are uniquely positioned to gather scientifically relevant information about important questions in coldwater conservation and natural resource management. One example that many TU chapters are already engaging with are projects designed to provide accurate baseline data so that we are better able to detect changes in riverine health due to climate change, energy development, urbanization, and other issues. Additional angler science projects happening in chapters across the country include effectiveness monitoring of reconnection or restoration work and tracking invasive species. Increased availability of new technologies such as smartphone apps, GIS, interactive web maps, and online applications for data collection and storage are now allowing more and more of our chapters to engage in such projects with ease and expand the impact of this work. TU’s angler science programs provide many benefits from the delivery of data that can inform improved policy recommendations to helping chapters recruit members by diversifying the opportunities through which members can engage.Now, what in the world do we mean by STREAM? Experiential education has been an important part of TROUT UNLIMITED’S YOUTH WORK since the organization was founded. You're probably familiar with experiential education programs such as TROUT IN THE CLASSROOM or ADOPT‐A‐TROUT, both of which contain an inherent amount of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning. But, really most of the programs put on by our chapters and councils involve more than that -- they are a blend of STEM education with lessons in Recreational angling and the Arts. Known as STREAM, this TU brand of education is creating and fostering a new generation of science‐oriented conservationists.Earlier this year, President Obama was quoted saying, “[Science] is more than a school subject, or the periodic table, or the properties of waves. It is an approach to the world, a critical way to understand and explore and engage with the world, and then have the capacity to change that world..." At TU, we believe we can do more to provide today's youth with this "approach to the world" so that they may too want to change it for the better. Both angler science and STREAM education programs are a major priorities for TU, but are we missing the boat by not better connecting the two? We ask this question in the hopes of learning a thing or two from those of you out there in the field, volunteering through your chapter or council.So, tell us, is your chapter or council involved with any Angler Science + STREAM education projects?