Apply Today for Sierra Trout Camp

On a spectacular weekend last June, fifteen middle school-age girls and boys gathered at the internationally renowned UC Berkeley Sagehen Creek Field Station, in the Tahoe National Forest north of Truckee, California, for the first annual Sierra Trout Camp.  The event was such a tremendous success, we’re eager and ready to do it again.  This year’s camp will be held July 6-7. Space is limited: The overnight camp accommodates 15 students ages 9-11. We are accepting applications now through April 31, and applicants will be notified of acceptance by May 15.  A $150. tuition includes lodging, all meals, fishing gear, and instruction. We are also seeking volunteers to assist with the camp. “This is the most accessible and technical youth fly fishing camp in California,” says David Lass, TU’s northern California field manager. “The camp provides students with hands-on experience fly tying and fly fishing, and creates awareness, appreciation and understanding of the importance of our nation’s aquatic resources with an emphasis on conservation, protection and restoration of coldwater ecosystems.” Participants also learned about stream ecology, cutthroat trout restoration, stream physics and chemistry, fishing etiquette and aquatic entomology – with time set aside for hiking and swimming.

Students learn about aquatic ecology at last year's Sierra Trout Camp

The annual camp is the result of a strong partnership between Trout Unlimited, UC Berkeley Sagehen Creek Field Station and the California School of Fly Fishing -- one of the oldest and most respected fly fishing schools in the world. APPLY TODAY For more information, contact Adam Butler with Trout Unlimited at (760) 920-8667 or at


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