AR" Chapter #698 Recognized

During their annual Conclave FFF's Southern Council recognized AR' White River Chapter #698 for their Conservation efforts.AR' Council Chair Bill Thorne accepted the award from Larry Murphy.

The White River TU Chapter is in it's second year of introducing a wild strain of Bonneville Cutthroat eggs into the White and Northfork Rivers. Volunteers turned out on two different occasions to plant 50,000 eggs using  Whitlock-Vibert boxes 

The Chapter has made a five year committment to plant at least 50,000 eggs per year in their restoration project.

Youth member Michael Schraeder who is also a member of Chapter #698 was also awarded by FFF as the youth tier of the year.


said on Saturday, October 19th, 2013

I didn't know that about Michael. How cool!

said on Monday, October 21st, 2013

Congratulations, everyone! Sounds like some great things are happening in the White River Chapter. Keep us posted!


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