Banquet Kudos

When I first saw the list of all the Sponsor tables I was a little skeptical that they might be false promises. I am very pleased to know that they showed up and had a good time and also contributed greatly to our auctions.

This community is also very generous with their donations to our fund raiser. Without their generosity our Banquet would not be successful. If you were lucky enough to make the highest bid or have a winning ticket, remember to tell others who contributed your prize to the banquet and remember to support our contributors throughout the year.

Thanks to all who contributed their time, effort and money to our Chapter. We hope to make all of you proud with our accomplishments in this year.  

I am certainly proud to have been a part of this wonderful endeavor.

Tom Emerick




said on Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

We have all the sponsor and donor names posted on our web page!


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