Chapter 332 - Alive and Well

The Upper Perkionmen Valley Chapter of TU # 332 just completed a reorganization meeting. Many long term leaders have been joined by a crop of new folks and we're all looking forward to getting the Chapter active again. "Trout in the Classroom" is moving forward, We just completed a major stream restoration in the Perkiomen near Palm. Projects like these need to continue and we're commited to that process.

We about to begin the design of a new website and expect to deliver more current news and events to the Chapter members.  Please stay tuned!!! 

In the meantime, if you have any interest in getting more active, please contact our Chapter President Tom Smith,

Our next meeting is Monday December 11, 2017 - 7:00 pm at the Upper Perkiomen Valley Library, 350 Main Street, Red Hill, PA 18076


said on Saturday, November 25th, 2017

I like it, Randy, and already received a message by email from another member, who saw your blog and is willing to help the chapter.  tws


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