Conservation - Ciesluk Forest





You can be proud of your chapter’s conservation efforts in the support of the 55 Acre Ciesluk Forest.


Paul Bakstran provided key information on unique opportunity to secure some prime Cold Water Fisheries, for future generations, in the form of the 55 Acre Ciesluk Forest located in Berlin and Canton.  The Sudbury Valley (SVT) we leading this effort to procure land that includes the large section of the North Brook.


After some very good discussion, the CMTU Board of Directors unanimously agreed on a donation of $2000 to help fund this project.  In addition, we are looking to fund similar purchases in the future via our Cold Water, Cold Beer project.  We look at this fostering a partnership with SVT to develop a long term plan for saving the Cold Water Fisheries in our area and our state.


In addition to our chapter’s efforts, both the Greater Boston and the MA/RI Council also made donations that totaled to over $6000!





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