Submitted by mtdave on Fri, 2016-09-16 06:50 Veterans Service Partnership National Leadership Council - NLC 2016 Annual Meeting Fishing Report Vote Up Down +139 + P9150786.JPG Day 1 of the TAPS TU VSP Men's Retreat at Parade Rest Ranch near West Yellowstone, Montana was a great success! We caught some nice trout, rode some horses (nobody got bucked off!), and enjoyed the peace and tranquility of the mountains and moving water of southwest Montana! Today, 18 of the TAPS men will head to the Madison for a day of fishing and the other 18 will ride in the mountains to Whit's Lake followed by a horseshoe tourney back at Parade Rest. TAPS is a wonderful organization offer grief counseling and support to families who have lost loved ones in military service. TU VSP is honored to partner with TAPS in this wonderful event. Thanks, too, to Parade Rest Ranch for the great job they do hosting us!