December 14 Meeting - Winter Holiday Season Party

We look forward to celebrating the holidays at our December meeting at the SLYCE Coal Fired Pizza restaurant in Highwood. The key activity at our December meeting will be a Gift Exchange (also called "White Elephant" or "Yankee Swap").


As our gift to you, there is NO entry fee to cover the cost of pizza/salad and soft drinks!


The rules are simple: Please bring one wrapped gift, with a value of up to $25. This can be something new, or something from your fishing collection that you think someone else would like, enjoy or laugh at. (It doesn't have to be fishing or outdoors related) After the first person picks and unwraps an item, the next person can choose to "steal" that item or pick a new item. If you have yours stolen, you pick a new item... this continues until the last item is chosen. 


We will also have some GREAT raffle items - tickets will be $5 each or 4 for $20.


At our December meeting we will also have a recap of the year from our new President, Dina Lissner and our ex-officio president, Jeff Reinke. And we will talk about some of our Chapters plans for 2024. 


We hope you can make it to our December meeting and celebrate the season together with us.



White Elephant gift swap







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