Discover Didymo Distribution Project with TU Canada


TU Angler Science is implementing a very cool new program we are calling "Discover Didymo Distribution" or D3, for short.  The project is kicking off in North Carolina with collaboration between Dr. Brad Taylor, head of the Department of Ecology at North Carolina State University, and the North Carolina TU Council and Jim Mabrey.  One of the perplexing questions about the invasive algae Didymo is the distribution of the diatom around the world and its status as a native or non-native, invasive species.  Utilizing TU's Angler Scientist network, we're gathering distribution information which is being handled through Dr. Taylor's lab in NC. One of the REALLY interesting aspects of the D3 project is our collaboration with TU Canada. Following is a link to an article about this collaboration and the project.


If you are interested in more information and how to get involved with the TU Angler Science D3 project, contact Dave Kumlien, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, at




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