Submitted by chris_hunt on Fri, 2014-03-28 08:26 Conservation Photographers Vote Up Down +29 + logo-text.png I had the good fortune to time my visit to D.C. this spring with the annual screening of the Fly Fishing Film Tour in Arlington. As usual, the guys at F3T have done a fantastic job crafting a really entertaining presentation, including films whose topics range from near to far away. Most of the films were fantastic, and I was naturally drawn to the shortened version of a film TU helped produce with Orvis that focuses on our 1,000 Miles Campaign. Orvis, ever the generous conservation partner, is helping TU reconnect 1,000 miles of habitat over the next seven years (we're in year three now, and by the end of this summer, we will have recconnected more than 300 miles of trout water so fish can migrate and spawn more successfully) by helping fund our work to remove or replace faulty culverts. Tributaries Fly Fishing Film Trailer #1 But the film that really spoke to me is titled Tributaries and features three far-flung guides--one from the Bahamas, one from Iceland and one from Argentina--who understand the notion that all water everywhere is connected. It was a beautiful film, and hopefully it inspires filmgoers this season to grasp the idea that conservation is much more than a watershed endeavor ... and that when we at TU grin and say that we're "saving the world, one trout at a time," we're not kidding. Saving Trout ad hi res.jpg I hope you get the chance to make the film tour before it runs its course this season. The schedule is packed, so I'm guessing there's a showing somewhere nearby in the coming months--do yourself a favor ... grab the kids and go see it. You'll be glad you did.