Submitted by mtdave on Tue, 2017-05-09 20:57 Veterans Service Partnership National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +2 + IMG_3300.JPG On 4/15, the Bellevue/Issaquah Wa. TU #109 and the North Bend, Wa Daughters of the American Revolution chapter jointly held our 4th Annual PHW Fish Out for the PHW chapters in Wa. state. The event was held at Langlois Lake and was attended by 28 Vets from Joint Base Lewis McCord, the Seattle VA Hospital and 12 Vets also came from Spokane. The Vets were guided on the lake by 18 volunteer boaters. The Washington Dept of Fish & Wildlife eagerly gave the Vets a special permit to fish 1 week before the general lake fishing season officially opened and stocked the lake 2 days before the fish out. The Vets had a fun filled , sunny day of catching Rainbows and were also treated to a BBQ lunch. They all said that they'll be back next year. I want to share with the readers how beneficial it is to join with other organizations, such as we did with the DAR. It's a way to get more non TU volunteers helping with the planning and staffing of the event. Everybody involved with the fish out-Vets and volunteers-had a great, rewarding day and we're all looking forward to next year's event. Robert Metzger Bellevue/Issaquah TU chapter #109