Submitted by tara.granke on Sat, 2017-12-30 12:49 Conservation TU Teens Stream Explorers Fishing with kids Vote Up Down +226 + DSC_0275 (2).JPG Starting in 2017, a new fundraising campaign was initiated by the 066-Guadalupe River TU chapter to support and sustain TU's Headwaters Youth Program: the GRTU Tomorrow Fund. It's a 10 year fundraising plan to raise $40,000 each year to support staff and programs like Trout in the Classroom, STREAM Girls, and TU's Youth Camps. We are so happy to announce that we have surpassed our 2017 fundraising goal for a total of $44,240. THANK YOU to all of you that see the importance of investing in TU's future. This year, GRTU matched 20K in donations from chapters, councils, businesses, and individuals. Be sure to check the spring issue of Trout Magazine for a tribute to our supporters. Looking toward 2018 we will use these funds to reach more young people and adult volunteers than ever before. Of course, Headwaters would not be possible without the service of our grassroots volunteers and members. A huge and heartfelt "thank you" to all of you out there that donated your time, money, blood, sweat, and tears to support our young conservationists. Here's a glimpse at what's in store for 2018: TU staff and volunteers will be launching three new regional Girl Scouts' STREAM Girls programs that will reach 300 middle and elementary school aged girls. 100 more girls will receive their STREAM Girls patch in already established programs in South Carolina, Washington, and Wisconsin. The TU Teen Summit will convene in June 2018 where 25 of TU's rising teen leaders from across the country will gather for 5 days of learning, sharing, and developing strategies to engage more of their peers in TU's mission. We'll support our 400+ chapters in expanding their reach to young poeple by producing online webinars, conducting in-person train-the-trainer events, speaking at chapter meetings, developing online resources, and presenting at regional meetings across the country. Summer camp counselors will be certified in TU's Summer on the Fly program in North Carolina during a training in May. These counselors go on to teach hundreds of young campers the basics of fly fishing with the potential to reach thousands of kids each summer. Regional Trout in the Classroom trainings prep teachers for the basics of tank maintenance, trout care, and lesson plans while developing a network of educators that value interactive, hands-on STEM learning. Thank you again for supporting TU's Headwaters Program. The Headwaters Youth Program gets kids outside, connected to their watersheds, and invested in conserving their water resources. We show young people why and how they can care for their most precious resource and have fun doing it. Through hands-on science education, recreation, art, community, and with your help, Headwaters is building the next generation of coldwater conservationists and anglers. Here's to another successful year! To give to the Headwaters Youth Program visit Starting January 1, your donation will be matched by the Guadalupe River TU chapter.