Submitted by PhoenixFish on Sun, 2019-01-27 12:58 Tug Hill/ Black River - 589 Vote Up Down +45 + Minutes of TU589 Meeting: 1/8/18 Time: 7-9pm Location: DSR Welcome Center, 301 County Route 5 Pulaski NY 13142 Attendees: Garrett Brancy, Mike Mowins, Dave Kohr, Paul Miller, John Propster, Rose Guerlich, Andy Guerlich, Wayne Weber, Jay Peck-Speaker, Adam, Aaron Garrett called the meeting to order at 7:04PM Agenda Items: • Dave reported Treasury at $888.87. • Presentation: Spring Creeks and Technical Trout Fishing, Jay Peck of Jay Peck Guides. Jay shared videos and insights on Spring Creek fishing accompanied by sample flies. He highlighted the trico hatch in June and July with a sample trico fly in size 20. Jay demonstrated how he sets a rod and builds leaders and tippets with longer leader (built up on the butt with heavy salt water leader) and tippet for the Delaware and shorter rigs for Spring Creeks with tippet down to 12x. He demonstrated a 2 fly rig with a red variant large fly (size 14) with a trico (size 20) trailer. Standard spinner fishing rig is a white wulff (size 12) with a rusty spinner (size 14 to 16). Jay then showed a midge rig using a fly foam indicator and micro shot with the fly foam trimmed to float in the film and balance the micro shot weight with the midge tied on with fine tippet to cut through the water column. Jay shared an assortment of flies that he finds work well in local waters. Caledonia population coming back after the hooded merganser decimation a few years ago with the population trending toward 16” and larger. • Mad River Wind Farm, project update. Wayne reported that at the last Redfield town meeting they passed a Wind Farm law similar to Richlands. Rose shared that the Eagle survey will be done on January 11 and that they are hoping to site some Goldens. • Tug Hill Heritage Brook Trout Research, Project update. Dave updated on project application and timing for equipment purchase and preparation for collection • Project Healing Waters, Mexico Chapter Monthly Programs Update. John reported on PHWFF tying on Monday nights with average of 5 to 6 attendees. He also shared upcoming events and fishing outings. No update on MOU between TU and PHWFF as yet. • Lake Ontario and tributary focus group, status update. Paul reviewed the Outcome/Action summary and Dave shared his comments as well as comments from Rose and Andy. Discussion of Rome Labs strain and development of better Brown trout survivability. Pen rearing programs and land locked were also touched on. • Trout in the classroom updates. Paul updated on TIC. Delivering Salmon in the classroom to Camden, APW, BOCES next week. Brook Trout projects are running well. IF4 Fundraiser, raffle planning and project update. Rose updated with itinerary and event details at Tailwaters with setup, raffles, and event timing. Show running 5PM to 10:30 on April 13 for public. Soliciting raffle items. Next order of business is placing deposit ($250) for the film ($600 total) and setting ticket price. Discussion of capacity, raffle timing, food during raffle, and event timing specifics. Wayne moved to pay deposit and Paul seconded. Motion approved unanimously. Paul moved to charge $15 for tickets, Mike seconded and motion passed unanimously. Everyone solicit raffle items from contacts. Mike discussed chapter website and Asian carp support letter to Tu. Mike motioned that the chapter support the initiative, Paul seconded and motion passed unanimously. Reminders: • Meeting Cancellations: Chapter 589 will operate off of Pulaski school districts inclement weather closing schedule. The chapter meeting will be cancelled if Pulaski schools are closed due to weather. Should Pulaski schools be open during the day but inclement weather is impending for the later part of the evening the chapter may announce a cancellation. All cancellations will be announced via the chapter’s Facebook page. • Record your volunteer hours each month for an end of year total. Chapter meetings and your drive to and from all counts! Next meeting on February 12th at DSR at usual time. Garrett adjourned the meeting at 9:11.