Submitted by mhutzell on Mon, 2015-09-21 06:36 Mid Atlantic Council 9MD Veterans Service Partnership Conservation TU Teens Trout Magazine Vote Up Down +31 + jg.jpg Jim Greene of the Potomac-Patuxent Chapter received the Mortenson Award —TU’s most prestigious award — on Saturday at the Trout Unlimited National Conference in Scranton, PA. Jim has been a diligent volunteer and a guiding light for Trout in the Classroom Programs both locally and nationally. Jim was completely unaware that he would be receiving the award. The look on his face was priceless! Please join me in congratulating Jim for a very well deserved honor. Don Haynes Chair, Mid-Atlantic Council, Trout Unlimited In honor of long-time grassroots activist and TU volunteer leader Ray Mortensen, who passed away in 1999, TU established the annual Mortensen Award for Outstanding Volunteer Leadership. TU’s highest honor for an individual is presented in recognition of the vital role that TU’s volunteer leaders play in the success of the organization and the execution of its mission. Each year, the Mortensen Award recognizes an individual from within TU’s grassroots leadership – a current or previous chapter president, state council chair, grassroots trustee or member of the National Leadership Council – who has made an extraordinary contribution to coldwater fisheries resource conservation by fostering the development of the just-asfragile TU volunteer resource. This award is presented annually to that “one-in-a-thousand” volunteer whose work on behalf of trout and salmon over a period of years or even decades has made him or her an example and inspiration to the rest of TU’s volunteers.