Letter from GSM TU Chapter President

"Gully washer"..."Raining bull frogs"......"It's raining cats and dogs".... no matter what the phrase we have had it!

The wettest February on record and now extending in to March. On a side note, ever wondered where the last phrase came from, thank the British for that one. It seems the story goes in the days of thatched roofs on British homes dogs and cats slept outdoors on the roofs. Evidently if it rained hard enough the dogs and cats slid off the roof, hence the phrase we use today. Fact or fiction you decide I just like the story!

As anyone who lives here in the Smokies region can attest to fishing opportunities have been few and far between if at all in our mountains and tailwaters. If showers bring May flowers we should look like Holland at tulip time come May this year. On a more serious note many of our friends and neighbors have suffered with flooded homes, rock slides, and clean-up messes due to the rains and our prayers go out to them.

Thanks to everyone who came out to our February meeting with archaeologist Katelyn Hillmeyer, a very informative and interesting history of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park from the Ice Age to the present. It was a presentation that gave us new insight in to the area we call home and we thank her for a great evening.

Continuing in that vein of new and unique presenters, our next GSM chapter meeting on Thursday March 28th, 2019 at Dead End BBQ is another do not miss event. Tony Pettit will be presenting his 5,200 mile cross country journey across some of America's most famous rivers and national parks. I promise this will be a laugh filled evening of the misadventures and tales of two Tennessee fly fishermen, a drift boat, and a British Land Rover as they barnstorm the American West. What could possibly go wrong?

As always thanks to everyone who attends our meetings and events. it is your chapter and we invite you to get involved this year. Please bring families and friends, and remember you never have to be a Trout Unlimited member to attend a Great Smoky Mountain TU chapter activity, just a love of the outdoors and fellowship of those who feel the same.

Follow us on our GSM TU website:https://greatsmokymountain.tu.org/  and to stay current with the latest chapter news and updates please visit our GSM Facebook page. Link: http://m.facebook.com/GreatSmokyMountainTU/

John Reinhardt



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