Submitted by bigsur on Tue, 2018-08-14 07:08 Great Smoky Mountain - 047 Vote Up Down 0 + ME DRIFT BOAT 2017 DAVE HARRELL.jpg Letter From Chapter President The dog days of summer are officially here until about the last week or so of August. Interesting side note is that the origin has nothing to do with lazy dogs but with the ancient Greeks linking it with the dog star Sirius rising in summer. Even more interesting the exact time dog days begins and ends depends on where you are on the earth. However in a nutshell the one defining character is the universal phrase repeated in every language is "Dang it is hot"! School is starting back in our part of the woods and many are squeezing in vacation time with their families and friends before it begins. I was fortunate to make our annual Colorado trip with Mike Bryant and Noel Hudson again this year. It is a solid week of non-stop fishing on different rivers and high country streams every day. This year was one of low water and wildfires at Basalt but we managed to get in a couple of days on the Roaring Fork & Frying Pan with minimal smoke before moving to other rivers. As an area here in the Smokies that suffered devastating wildfires just a couple of years ago we felt the best thing we could do was to help support Basalt with our vacation dollars. Once the all clear was given and the fly shops said come on out we had a great time in familiar waters. We have been going out to Colorado long enough whether high or low water years that we can find the rivers or streams at 7,500 feet or above 10,000 feet to fish and roam. Now it is time to get back in gear as we begin the push for the second annual "Battle of Gatlinburg 2018" Trout Fishing Tournament. It is being held again in downtown Gatlinburg, TN on Saturday, September 22, 2018. Last year was this event's first year and we had a great time putting on the "One Fly Royale" right in the center of town. The "Battle of Gatlinburg 2018" Tournament is a fast paced competition testing angler skills in a totally unique setting. Last year we awarded over $3,000 in cash and gear and it was a blast. It is because of our sponsors and our volunteers that makes this event possible and we wish to thank them all. Please see the article below on how to be a part of the "One Fly Royale" this year and join us on the water. John Reinhardt President