March 2020 Newsletter

Trout Unlimited

Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited - March Newsletter


March Chapter Meeting –


Date: Monday, March, 2nd


Time: 6:00 PM (Pizza arrives 6:30 to 6:45 PM)


Location: Auburn Sportsman’s Club
50 Elm St, Auburn, MA 01501



The February Meeting was hampered by computers errors by your truly. My error in sending the wrong file for the meeting. But so glad many were able to make it anyways.


February meeting was dedicated to one of those flies that must be in your fly box and is a "Go to" in so many situations. In Sizes 12 to 22, the Griffiths’s Gnat will take trout in many situations, conditions and locations when puzzled with the age old question of "What are they feeding on?" Try that peacock - grizzly hackle combo.




Rumor has it that a rather large box arrived from our good friends at Big Y flies. Joe did another terrific job in the negotiation and brought in a whopper of a supply of flies. These will be taking up some room in your fly box as we prepare for the warmer weather.


Dave will again lead our efforts on the vise.


More Flies!!


Other events


The Caddis Weekend


The Council "Caddis Weekend" (The modern day Indian Hollow)


No change on Caddis Weekend from the Council. The dates are June 5, 6 & 7.


This is the new version of what many remember as Indian Hollow. This event is up on the Deerfield and the timing is such to align with the free (no license) weekend in MA - so bring your out-of-state friends and the weekend that has the fisherman controlling the flow rates out of the dam. Last year, the report were teaming with great caddis hatches and good action with dry flies working well.


CMTU is looking to get at least 2 camp sites for the event. Thinking back to the Glory days of Indian Hollow, the food should again be exceptional, the fishing excellent and the fun - off the chart.


CMTU’s Farmington Weekend


June 11 to 15 (Father’s Day is the following week) is our weekend on the Farmington. We will have one cabin from Thursday with depart on Monday, while the Second cabin will provide more capacity for Friday and Saturday. This will allow for a late spinner fall fish on Sunday before you need to head home.


Last year, the water level was just a little too high in several areas. This year, the June water level should be just right for wading to your favorite spot or just a little closer to that fish who thought she was out of casting range.


Very exciting. This year, to make up for last year, the world famous CMTU Breakfast Sandwich will be made available both Saturday and Sunday morning. And that is just the start of the wonderful food that will great you after successful trip to the river or prepare you for an extended stay for the spinners.


This year, we hope to use some new technology to extend that wonderful time of day when the mayflies drop to the surface in large numbers and cause the timid trout to become bold, disregard large tippet and slam the surface in what is usually a peaceful stream.


2020 Banquet


Are you getting Hungry?


May 16th.


The planning is moving along well and we already have some very nice prizes to go with a piece of cake. We plan on continuing with the deck of cards raffle and may be adding another prize to the event that brings the crowd into a frenzy. The 50/50 raffle will again help support the clubs stocking efforts and that is just the beginning.


You will start seeing the posters displayed and tickets made available for purchase.


2020 High School Championship


Henry did a real nice job putting together our poster for this years event. We handed out a good supply at the Bear’s Den Show this past weekend and look to start the electronic distribution over the next couple of weeks.


On another note:


Are you an "Instagramer"? One key area this year will be a focus on Instagram.


Very interested in your skills and experience with this tool. Several of the presenters at the show speak highly of this tool. May be a great supplement to our web site.


See you March 2nd!


We look forward to seeing you and discussing FISH.


Tight Lines,

Peter Sterndale

President, Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited



© 2020 Trout Unlimited | CMTU #148 |


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