Maryland Trout Unlimited Co-Hosts Tenkara Jam on the Gunpowder

On July 11 and 12th, Maryland Trout Unlimited co-hosted “Tenkara Jam on the Gunpowder” with A

ppalachian Tenkara Anglers and Great Feathers Fly Shop in Sparks, Maryland.

Nearly 100 people attended on one or both days of the Jam.  During the Jam, participants saw presentations by Dan Galhardo of Tenkara USA on the cultural roots of Tenkara and on Casting with a fixed line, by Rob Worthing, Tenkara Guides LLC, on landing fish with Tenkara, by Matt Sment, Badger Tenkara, on Tenkara Fishing Strategies, and by Chris Stewart, TenkaraBum, on rods, lines and other gear.  Casting for Recovery and Project Healing Waters also gave informative talks. Don Haynes, Chair of the TU Mid-Atlantic Council, gave a talk on TU’s conservation work, particularly on small streams loved by Tenk

ara Anglers and Brenda Foster from MDTU spoke on Women and Tenkara. Lefty Kreh joined us at the Jam on Saturday morning.  In addition to local peoples, attendees came from Idaho, Colorado, Pennsylvania, New Jerssy, New York, North Carolina and Virginia. There was, of course, time set aside to fish the Gunpowder River and some of its small tributaries.

For more information and photos, visit

Vendors at the Jam:

  • Rob Lepcyzk and Michael Watkiss from Great Feathers Fly  Shop,
  • Jason Sparks of Appalachian Tenkara Anglers
  • Dan Galhardo from Tenkara USA
  • Matt Sment of Badger Tenkara
  • Michael and Kathie Moline of Streamside Leaders
  • Chris Stewart, the original TenkaraBum
  • Steve Monahan, Mark Lamos, and Lefty Kreh of Temple Fork Outfitters
  • Brent Auger of Dragontail Tenkara,
  • John Cianchetti of Tenkara Customs
  • Rob Worthing of Tenkara Guides LLC
  • Tom Glace Watercolors,

Participating organizations other than MDTU included:

  • Larry Vawter and Valerie Takesue with Project Healing Waters.
  • Casey Peltier from Casting for Recovery,
  •  Louise Peltier from Chesapeake Women Anglers,
  • Al Aborn from Project Healing Waters

This was an extraordinary weekend event. Attendees got to put their hands on a lot of different rods including many Japanese imports, learn to tie Kebari flies thanks to Larry Vawter’s PHWFF group, watch a master water-colorist at work creating beautiful images of trout, joinJ ohn Cianchetti's workshop on buidling your own Tenkara rod, and meet up with many like minded Tenkara Anglers from all over the country!

A few more photos follow.


Don Haynes discusses TU's conservation efforts on small, headwater streams...

Chris Stewart, the TenkaraBum

Tom Glace, Master Water Colorist...

Tenkara Anglers at the Boulder Pool, Gunpowder River...

The "Real" Tenkara Jam!!!!@


Thanks for looking.... Don Haynes


said on Monday, July 13th, 2015

Just wanted to post up a quick shout-out to TU, Jason Sparks, and Great Feathers fly shop for putting this all together. It was a real blast.


Saturday afternoon's hatch on the Gunpowder was really a sight to behold - a true feeding frenzy. What a great weekend of meeting new people, fishing new water, and Japanese fixed line fly fishing!


Looking forward to attending again next time around.


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