Maryland Trout Unlimited receives TU’s Gold Chapter Award

The Maryland Chapter of Trout Unlimited is the recipient Trout Unlimited’s Gold Chapter Award for 2017. The Gold Award is TU’s highest award for chapters. The award recognizes the chapter that over the last year took innovative and thoughtful approaches to building community and advancing the Trout Unlimited mission of protecting cold water resources. Chapters are judged on criteria relating to conservation, communication, member and community engagement, fundraising and chapter development.


In the recent past, the Maryland Chapter initiated and participated the restoration of the Jones Falls near R.E. Park, initiated an innovative, team approach to preserving brook trout habitat in the Upper Gunpowder River watershed, and conducted a stream cleanup of the Jones Falls.  Each year the chapter holds City Catch in partnership with Baltimore City Parks and Recreation Department. City Catch hosts some 75-100 kids from the city teaching them to fish and about principles of conservation. A similar program – Huck Finn Day – is held on Stoney Run. The chapter holds Restoration Rum, a 5-k race along the Jones Falls as its primary fundraiser. Members of the Maryland Chapter are very active in the Statewide Council and on the National level.


“This is quite an honor,” says Norma Haynes, President of the Chapter. “It recognizes all the hard work our board members and volunteers have done over the past few years”.

Norma Haynes, President, will accept the award at the Trout Unlimited National meeting in Roanoke, VA on September 29th.


The Maryland Chapter was formed in 1971. It has grown to over 600 members primarily in Baltimore City and Baltimore and Harford Counties. The Chapter meets monthly, except in December, June, July, and August, at Towson Presbyterian Church. All meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and begin at 7:30 p.m.


For more information contact Don Haynes, chapter V.P. at


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