Submitted by ianstar on Thu, 2024-04-25 16:38 Central Massachusetts - 148 Vote Up Down +666 + JM-02.jpg Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited - May Newsletter May Chapter Meeting – Date: Monday, May 6 th Time: 6pm - 8pm Location: Auburn Sportsman’s Club 50 Elm St, Auburn, MA 01501 Hendricksons are Back! The weather is warming up, the water levels are dropping and the bugs are back. Have you tried an emerger pattern? Last year, the Dard Hendrickson Emerger pattern was very successful. This year, I tied up a few of the Lt Hendrickson Emergers and plan on fishing a 2 fly system. May will be our last meeting until after the summer. One more opportunity to enjoy the CMTU monthly meeting is a great solution to help bolster your fly box. Dave will give you one more must have pattern before we head into summer. In addition, there is delicious pizza to go along with some good conversation over during the tying session. Bring your appetite and your fishing stories. Just want to thank Dave and Steve for their fly tying instruction at the Northboro Library. We received a call to help with some fly tying instruction and these two did a great job. Dave and Steve answered the call. Great opportunity to help out our community. The Newsletter will also be taking a break for the summer. However, the Quinie dam removal project is still moving forward. Keep an eye out for a summer edition of the CMTU Newsletter with information on a Mussels removal project that is needed before the dam removal begins. We anticipate having some of the organizations involved with the project, present on their effort with the project. We expect the "Heavy Lifting" to begin in the September time frame. Very exciting to see this dam finally removed and some really large Trout and Salmon swimming up the stream. In addition, we’ll have burgers and dogs, so bring some friends. Enjoy the Hendricksons, Sulfurs and more! Regards, Peter Sterndale President, Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited © 2024 Trout Unlimited | CMTU #148 |