MDTU April Chapter Meeting: Tom Baltz

MDTU's April speaker (April 20th @ 7:30pm) is Tom Baltz, the Orvis Northeast Trout Guide of the Year in 2001. Tom guides on the famous trout streams of south-central Pennsylvania's Cumberland Valley including the renowned Yellow Breeches Creek, the Letort, and Big Spring.

Tom's mentors include the most famous names in fly fishing and fly tying: Charles K. Fox, Vincent Marinaro, Joe Humphreys, Ed Shenk, and Bob Clouser. Tom was State Champion, Open Division of the Pennsylvania State Fly-Tying Championship for four consecutive years, 1996-1999. Tom is also active in the effort to protect the streams and rivers he loves.

Don't miss Tom's talk. The meeting will be held at the Towson Presbyterian Church, 400 W. Chesapeake Avenue, Towson, Maryland from 7:30-9pm on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. Free and open to the public.



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