MDTU City Catch in Baltimore Sun...


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From the story:

So it went Saturday morning as 70 city youths — most of them first-time anglers — gathered at the park in West Baltimore for City Catch 2015, an effort to introduce fishing and conservation to the next generation."The more people who want to fish, the more who'll want to keep our waterways clean," said Greg Davis of the Maryland Chapter of Trout Unlimited. That organization coordinates the annual event with the city's Bureau of Recreation and Parks, which shares the $8,000 cost. Children are given their own rods, reels and bait, supplied by Tochterman's Fly Shop, and paired with TU members and other volunteers who spread out over a 1-mile length of Dead Run to teach the youngsters the basics of fishing.

"It's fun for us and the kids," said Ben Legg, a member of the TU committee that puts on the affair. "To see their faces when they snag their first fish … and then to take it home, show it to friends and eat it. We clean the fish here, so they're ready to be put on the grill."

On Friday, TU members stocked Dead Run with 800 trout between 8 and 15 inches long from a hatchery in Pennsylvania. What the kids didn't catch Saturday are fair game for others.

Before the event, city officials test the water quality. On Saturday, trash littered both the stream and its banks, but Legg and other volunteers carried black plastic garbage bags and picked up litter.

"We make it a point to gather it in front of the kids," he said. "Sometimes the light bulb comes on."


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