Submitted by dhaynes on Thu, 2016-05-26 08:58 Patapsco Valley - 622 National Capital - 011 Maryland - 167 Nemacolin - 199 Seneca Valley - 369 Youghiogheny - 335 Trout Unlimited Council Chairs National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +329 + The article in the Baltimore Sun mentions Maryland Trout Unlimited but fails to give due credit a number of members of MDTU's Resource Commmitee and prior Executive Officers for the work on this project over the past several years. A great deal of credit should go to: Tom Starrs: Past President of MDTU Brenda Foster: Past President of MDTU Brian Bernstein; Current V.P. for Resources Scott Scarfone: Key player on the Resource Commitee and Landscape Architect Adam Nabors: Another key player on the Commitee and a Stream Restoratoin Specialist As the article points out, Jim Gracie of Brightwater, a founding member of MDTU and a past President of TU when it was an all volunteeer organization, did the bulk of the design work. But the propject would not have gotten off the ground without the technical and administrative support of those above. Initially, MDTU was to implement the project but, after going thorugh the design phase, obtaining all necessary permits and permissons, and secruing funding, the project floundered when MDTU did not have the finanancial resources to cover a last minute demand for a huge perfomrance bond. EQR picked it up. MDTU is very happy EQR was able to push the project forward. For the full story, follow this link