Submitted by w.n.davis on Mon, 2023-06-05 12:58 Gary Borger - 596 Vote Up Down +28 + From Seth Horowitz: GBTU had planned a trip (May 25-28), to the Driftless Area, staying at the Fenway House in Fennimore, WI. Even the lure of their famous homegrown grilled steak sandwiches couldn’t get more than 3 people (Including me and my wife), to sign up. We indicated at the last GBTU meeting that we were officially cancelling the outing as a group thing and basically everyone was on their own. I heard a lot of people had other plans for the Memorial Day timeframe, graduations, weddings, and backyard stuff. And I also heard folks say that there will be a million people going there then and it will be incredibly crowded. Well, we took our camper to Avalanche on Saturday expecting it to be full and had a contingency plan to drive to Pulpit Rock in IA, where we knew we had a place to park the camper. The West Fork Sports Club was darn near empty except for a few tents. We got our pick of ALL the electric hookups. We ran into Tina on the way in and she said the place is just a well-kept secret. Our experience was the everything was empty. How empty? We walked into the Driftless Café on Saturday night and got a table immediately. Everywhere we went was empty, particularly the Blue- Ribbon streams. Timber Coulee and Weister Creek had a lot of dry fly action for us. It was amazing. Zero people around at any of the places we wanted to go to. I am so planning this trip again for next year. IMG-0281.jpg