Submitted by Brett.Prettyman on Wed, 2015-08-05 11:10 Conservation Yellowstone Fly Fishing High Desert Anglers - 620 Wyoming Flycasters - 605 Southern Nevada - 686 Weber Basin Anglers - 681 Stonefly Society - 048 Wyoming At-Large - 748 Seedskadee - 533 Utah At-Large - 753 Nevada - 9NV Wyoming - 9WY Greater Yellowstone Area The Front Porch Trout Magazine Utah - 9UT Wyoming Range Outdoor Communicators TU Teens Vote Up Down +126 + JackTUMember2.JPG Jack Zwiers of Grand Rapids, Michigan, traveled to Salt Lake City for the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market and took time to hit some local waters before the show started. Courtesy Jim Zwiers. By Brett Prettyman Meet 14-year-old Jack Zwiers, Trout Unlimited’s newest life member. The Grand Rapids, Michigan, teenager joined TU’s ranks Tuesday night in Salt Lake City. His family made the winning bid for the lifetime membership and a rod and reel during the Outsider’s Ball held at the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market. The Outsider’s Ball was held by the Outdoor Foundation, the charitable arm of the Outdoor Industry Association. Funds raised at the event are slated to help inspire a new generation of outdoor enthusiasts. Jack and his lifetime TU membership fit right into the Outdoor Foundation’s model. JackTumember1.jpg Congrats Jack. Here's to a long use of that membership. Brett Prettyman is TU's Intermountain Region (Wyoming, Utah, Nevada) communications director. He works from Salt Lake City.