Submitted by rochelle on Tue, 2014-11-18 14:59 TU Teens Stream Explorers Vote Up Down +13 + Eddie with trout.jpg TU_TEEN_LOGO_4-color for web.jpg Welcome to the new TU Teen level of membership. TU's youth department has heard you, and we've made some changes. We know that Hatcher the Mayfly is great--but only for little kids. We understand that teenagers want to be treated more like adults. In light of this, we have now created a fully separate level of TU membership, for teens only. TU Teens still receive the great TU calendar and four issues of Trout. But now, teens have their very own TU Teen decal, which comes in a regular TU envelope. This new level of membership costs $14. There is a separate webpage to give a teen a gift TU membership or to renew a TU Teen membership. The Stream Explorers level of membership is just exactly the same as it's always been (though we have new webpages for them, too). These TU members 12 and under still receive Stream Explorers magazine four times a year, and they also get the awesome TU calendar. Their membership costs $12, and it's easy to give a Stream Explorers membership or renew a Stream Explorers membership online.