November 12, 2019 Last Meeting Info

To all members of Trout Unlimited Chapter 737 Northern RI

After our last meeting on Tuesday, November 12th, we will be dissolving our Chapter and moving on, effective December 2019. Some of you will be affiliating with TU 225, which will be the only TU Chapter in RI and others will be going on to new endeavors. I want to thank each of you for allowing me to serve you as Chapter President, an honor in many ways. Many of you volunteered to help teach Veterans, women’s groups, Boy Scouts and other groups learning the techniques of fly-fishing and/or tying flies. Because of you the art of fly-fishing and fly tying will carry on for generations in the future.

Again, I want to thank each of you for your dedication and assistance over the last few years.

Remember, Ed Lombardo will be doing a slideshow and talk regarding his recent trip to the famous San Juan river located in northern New Mexico at the November 12th meeting. It will be a great presentation, so please come out at 630pm for fly tying and then the presentation, after a short administrative meeting starting at 7pm.


John B. Fischer

President TU

Chapter 737 Northern RI


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