One Fly to Rule Them All

What a winning fly looks like compared to its unused brother from the Utah Single Fly Tournament on the Green River

By Brett Prettyman

Rumors of the demise of the Trout Unlimited Single Fly Tournament on Utah’s Green River below Flaming Gorge Dam were greatly exaggerated – at least for a while. The annual event to raise money for conservation projects was postponed back in May, but a local chapter of Trout Unlimited has jumped at the opportunity to keep the fun and important event alive.

Brown trout are the predominant catch on the Green River

The High Desert Anglers chapter of Trout Unlimited is inviting teams to head for Dutch John and the scenic Green River Aug. 27-28. Picking the potential winning fly is difficult enough, but keeping it on your line is more difficult than it might seem. The cost for a team of four is $2,500 and includes a guided float down the A or B sections of the famous Green River. Money from the tournament is slated for stream restoration to benefit native cutthroat trout and a Blue Ribbon trout fishery on a reservoir in northeastern Utah.

If fishing is slow there is always the chance an angler can win this prestigious award.

For more details and to register send and email ( or call Dan Roper at 406-514-0084.

Brett Prettyman is TU's Intermountain Region (Wyoming, Utah, Nevada) communications director. He works from Salt Lake City.


said on Monday, July 27th, 2015
Come one come all, see which fly will rule them all!!
Hello my good fellows of the angle, It's officially happening!  Get your team together and tie a bug with extra goo glue in preparation of the Green River Single Fly. Trout Unlimited's High Desert Anglers want to make a difference for the Green River watershed by putting the money into projects on the Green and its tributaries to benefit trout and local ethical angling pursuits. So here is the low down on the event.
Date of Single Fly:
Thursday Aug 27th and Friday Aug 28th
The format will be much the same as previous years. 15 teams total (a team consisting of four participants in two boats). The guides are provided but there is an option of buying a guide if a specific one is desired.
$2000 per team.
What’s included with Registration: 
Teams get free meals for the event (dinner Thursday and breakfast, lunch and dinner Friday). Prizes and Plaques for winning teams  and individuals such as;   1st place team - for the team with the highest score, and the bragging rights for the next year!!!!, Largest Trout - for the king lunker hunter, Most Trout - for the person who rips the most lips, Biggest Loser - first person to lose their fly , and probably their mind,  Bird Dog - best fly retrieval story, bring ropes and swimming trunks for this one!!!! 
Master Caster Competition: 
There will be a casting competition for the participants for bragging rights and a cool plaque and prize.
How to Register: 
First call Dan Roper at 406-514-0084 or email him at and me know you want to field a team. I will send you three things: 
1. A copy of the Team Registation Form, 
2. A copy of the Acknowledgement of Risk Form 
3. A copy of the GRSF Rules. 
You will need to fill out and emai back the "Team Registration Form" and one "Acknoledgment of Risk Form" for each team member. Finally please make a check to the "Trout Unlimited High Desert Anglers" and mail it to Bruce Haines (the HDA chapter treasurer) at PO Box 973 Vernal, UT  84078. 
If you have any other questions about registration or anything else to do with the event please feel free to contact me. Look forward to hearing from you.
Dan Roper
HDA Chapter President

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