Origin Stories Contest Announcement

Reflections of our chapters' past helps us move forward.


What's your story?

Ask any angler about how they were introduced to the great sport of fishing, and you are likely to get a well-developed story full of imagery and passion. We love to talk about how we became anglers, about our favorite flies, and even about the gear we use for our adventures. But when asked about why we’re part of Trout Unlimited, the words don't seem to come quite as easily. With all the conservation, restoration and education our TU community is doing, it is important to uncover the origins of our chapters in order to share the whole story of why TU is important to us.

Every chapter has a great story to share. What is your response when you’re asked “what is Trout Unlimited?” We want to hear about the colorful history of your chapter and how you are connected to your community. We'll share your story with the TU.org community and the selection committee who will decide on the best of these great stories. The winning story will be walking away with a brand new rig to be used to create new stories, and the chance to host the Fly Fishing Film Tour, free of charge, with all the proceeds going to your chapter.


Here's how it works

  1. Post your story on your new TU Chapter Site or Chapter’s Group Page. Be sure to join and post the story to the Origin Stories Group Page when you’re posting your story. If you would like to learn more about setting up your chapter’s TU Chapter Site, check out the Chapter Site wiki to help you get started.
  2. Share the post with your members and friends. Encourage chapter members to log in and join your chapter group. Ask them to vote for your story by clicking on the vote button. This will help determine the finalists group.
  3. The contest committee will gather the stories and be tasked with choosing the top 10 stories. The selections will be based on a combination of a well-written story and community response in the first round of voting.
  4. The top 10 stories will be placed in an Origin Stories Finalists Group for the final round of voting. The entire TU community will have the opportunity to determine the winners by online voting.


Fabulous prize packages

Grand prize is a screening of the Fly Fishing Film Tour www.flyfilmtour.com. You provide the venue and TU will hook you up with the film tour. This is a great way to reach out to potential members and it makes a great fundraising event. This prize package is worth more than $1,000, plus your chapter will get to keep all the proceeds from the event to help with your local conservation efforts to make fishing better on your home waters. Potentially, this could mean thousands.

1st and 2nd runner-up stories will walk away with one (1) adult and one (1) youth rod/reel outfit that can be use in your next fundraiser.


How to share your story

  • Submit your story as a blog in your TU Chapter Site or Chapter Group Page.
  • Story length can be up to 500 words and only one story per Chapter please.
  • Be concise as if you were telling potential members why they should join TU.
  • Encourage you fellow members to comment and vote on your post in the TU.org website.
  • Share about your post on all your social media sites and in correspondence.
  • Add a few photos of the founders and the chapter today.
  • Connect with Doug Agee through the message feature on TU.org to let him know your story has been posted.


Important Dates

  • Contest Announcement in Lines 2 Leaders – Feb. 1
  • Story Submittal Deadline – March 15
  • Finalists Announcement & Voting Starts by Blog – March 19
  • Finalist Stories Voting Deadline – March 28
  • Origin Stories Winner Announcement Blog – March 31
  • Origin Stories Winner Announcement L2L – April1


So, interview your chapter’s historians, gather your stories and photos and get writing. We know there are some great stories just waiting to be shared. Watch those deadlines and look for updates on the TU.org site. If you have any questions, get in touch with Doug Agee at dagee@tu.org. We are looking forward to hearing about the origin of your chapter.


said on Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

If you have questions, post and share them with the community on the Origin Stories Group page

said on Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

Hey Chapter leaders. Get your stories in. This is a great contest with an amazing opportuinty for fundraising in your chapters. Please contact me with questions.

said on Thursday, February 27th, 2014

I want to say that this article is amazing, great written and come with approximately all vital infos. I'd like to peer more posts like this. So nice to discover someone with genuine thoughts on this issue. I’ll definitely be back for updates. That is very interesting, I love reading and I am always searching for informative information like this. I love fishing because it was relaxing and it can be also bonding with my father.


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