Submitted by on Wed, 2012-09-26 09:22 Steel Addicts Conservation West of The Rockies Photographers Colorado TU Backcountry Vote Up Down +206 + fall-blog-sidebar-ad.jpg Editor's note: This is part of an ongoing series by members of TU's Sportsmen's Conservation Project. For more, visit, a site dedicated to protecting our backcountry resources. There was a summer I spent as a wild child in the mountains of Iowa. There are no mountains in Iowa, you say? Tell that to my younger self. That summer my father made the crude outline of a teepee with leftover 2x4’s situated just perfectly to scan the neighboring hillsides for imaginary buffalo. After reading too much “Little House on the Prairie,” I spent the better part of a week thatching the sides with long grasses I uprooted from the pasture. When the horse tried to eat my very flammable settlement, I chased him like a warring tribe - whooping and waving. I was nomadic that summer, part of the land instead of a visitor to it - a hunter gatherer - strong, tanned, wild. Happy. Then I grew up. I forgot that feeling. To read the rest, go to