PPTU Annual Fly Tying Demonstration Meeting and Fishing Gear Flea Market

Enjoy the beginning of 2016 with a glimpse of how to tie flies and maybe even pick up a new hobby (obsession?). At 7:00 PM on Wednesday, January 20, 2016, at the Schweinhaut Senior Center, 1000 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring, MD, the Potomac-Patuxent Chapter of Trout Unlimited will present our annual fly tying demonstration. Join us at this chapter meeting to see our most talented local tyers show off their skills and favorite patterns. Come learn how to make it easier to succeed at this exciting sport of fly fishing.
Come check out Chuck Dinkel's "Ant", Gene Cyprich's "Rainbow Warrior", Jay Sheppard and his amazing, fish magnet, the "Patuxent Special". Watch Walt Sheppard conjure up a "Shad" and see Mike Abramowitz's "Hornberg". Charlie Gelso will wow us with some slight of hand with his "Caddis" family. See Carl Smolka's "Walt's Worm, Sexy Walt and Son of Walt". Bob O'Donnell will attempt to pull a "Soft Hackle Streamer" out of his hat while Bob Dietz tricks out his "Dark Watchet". Finally, Marc Hutzell rounds out the show with the tried and true "Bead Head Brassie". The night is filled with magic.
Along with all of the excellent fly tying demonstrations, once again we'll host the ever popular Fishing Gear Flea Market. This is a great opportunity for all PPTU members to "thin the herd" or perhaps utter that wonderful phrase "Hey honey, look what I just got!" Here's how it works...bring in any fishing or fishing related equipment or gear that you'd like to sell and price it however you like. We'll have table space to show off your stuff. All transactions and negotiations will be solely between the buyer and seller. All we ask is for a donation to the club of 10% of the final sale price from the seller.
This is a great opportunity for all PPTU members to "thin out the excess" or perhaps utter that wonderful phrase “Hey honey, look what I just got!
Here’s how it works…bring in any fishing or fishing related equipment or gear that you’d like to sell and price it however you like. We'll have table space to show off your stuff. All final transactions and negotiations will be solely between the buyer and seller. All we ask for is a "minimum" donation to the club of 10% of the final sale price from the seller.
So, dig through your gear this weekend and see if there's anything still in good condition that you can part with and bring it along to the meeting Wednesday night. Perhaps you have an old fly rod you never use any more, an unused fly reel, an extra fly line or fly box collecting dust. In my case, I just purchased a new rain jacket, so my old rain jacket may end up on the table. Your unused equipment just may be another persons' treasure.
Come to this meeting, and share with us one of the season's most popular presentations. Hope to see you all there.
Happy New Year!
Hope to see you on the 20th!
Bob O'Donnell



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