School Year Begins for TIC & SIC

With the school year underway, more than 4500 classrooms across the U.S. are setting up their trout tanks and getting ready to receive their trout (or salmon) eggs.  Some of the teachers and coordinators who are part of this program are also a part of the TIC/SIC National Network, hosted by TU, which includes a list serve and quarterly conference calls.

Just last night, a whole group was on the phone, and we got to talking about starting up the program, and advice for first-year teachers.  We had some great conversations about how best to use a hatching basket, and how to manage the water and temperature of a trout tank.   And you can hear that whole conversation, which will be available until mid-October.

This school year is also exciting, because we are welcoming a new state to the program: Utah.

For new states and new teachers starting TIC and SIC, what is YOUR best advice for them?


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