State of TU, 2015

The 2015 State of Trout Unlimited – Chris Wood, CEO


Dear TU member,

Conservation is about people. It is about people who make a determined commitment to lend their time, talent, and treasure to make their communities better places to live.

In the past year alone, we succeeded in:

·      Protecting nearly 1,400 stream miles across the US and 7.8 million acres of land. 

·      Reconnecting over 570 miles of spawning and rearing habitat for fish, and

·      Restoring over 140 miles of river.

Conservation is about people helping people. And Trout Unlimited volunteers donated more than 650,000 hours in service to their communities. More than 40,000 children benefited from our commitment to youth education, and more than 2,800 veterans found the healing power of time spent on the water.

The State of Trout Unlimited is your story. Thank you!

Chris Wood

President and CEO

Trout Unlimited 


said on Saturday, September 26th, 2015

Great stuff friend, Chris Wood ,


Progress is are only destiny, "Hook" on future needs , "Line " up plans that  lend ourselves to local tasks and needs ,and "Sinker" ,a composite plan to finish projects started in a timely manner.!


Crossing the River Together,


Jimmy Swanson


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