Submitted by w.n.davis on Mon, 2023-05-08 12:45 Gary Borger - 596 Vote Up Down +17 + This trip report was submitted by Seth Horowitz. (Editors note: thanks for a great job orgranizing this outing!) IMG-3724.jpg I was on the GBTU trip to Westby, WI this past weekend (4/20-4/23). We all, (Matt, Heather, Bill, Tim, Elizabeth and Seth), stayed at the Old Towne Motel in Westby. It’s a small well-worn but very clean place. Also staying there this weekend were about 20 folks from the EDTU. Next door is the Supper Club, a cavernous place with Old Fashion’s on every table like water glasses. The food was pretty darn good too. Friday, I had a delicious, perfectly cooked NY Strip and the wait person could tell me whose farm it came from and pointed in their direction. I’m down with supper Club’s! IMG-3731.jpg Fishing on Friday, Elizabeth, Matt, and Bill, and I went to the ever-popular Timber Coulee in Bohemian Valley, figuring that the EDTU guys would not come up until Saturday. We were right. We had the place to ourselves. Despite the snow and wind, I caught 3 on dry fly’s. Elizabeth caught 14 on dry fly’s, and Matt stopped counting after 20 +. We were going to go someplace after lunch but decided to stay there. Then Bill whipped out his JetBoil and made some fancy, hot, fresh coffee that warmed and rejuvenated us. We stayed until it was time to rush back to the above-mentioned Supper Club for our reservation. After dinner there was a good time to be had by all including most of the EDTU in the bar next door. IMG-3746.jpg Saturday, after a big breakfast that the café in town, also owned by the Supper Club folks, we headed out to several streams a bit further away to lose the EDTU guys. Tim joined us and we had fun fishing Jug Creek and Weister Creek. Then we had to rush back for our 7:00 Supper Club reservation. I found out that the proper etiquette is to get there a half hour or so before the reservation so you can sit in the bar and sip Old Fashion’s and eat appetizers, including the best onion rings I’ve ever had. IMG-3751.jpg All in all, I think it was a great trip. One thing we talked about on the stream, when it was blowing and snowing was how the good quality technical gear we were wearing kept us warm (relatively speaking), and especially dry. It’s what allowed us to keep fishing all day. Just sayin. IMG-0438.jpg Fishing with a short snowstorm... the weather was quite an adventure!