
FTTU's Trout-In-Classroom (TIC) program

St. Rose School in Perrysburg is part of our TIC program again this year. This program is open to all schools in Ohio. The schools work directly with the local TU chapter and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The ODNR supplies rainbow trout eggs to TU every year and the chapters distribute the eggs to local schools (usually in early January). The schools hatch the eggs and raise the trout up to fingerling size and then release them in ODNR designated streams. Trout have strict requirements when it comes to water quality and temperature, and the students are responsible for maintaining the trout habitat and caring for the trout. It is an excellent practical lesson for the students, as well as being fun.

Here are some pictures from St. Rose this year...

Checking the temperature of the eggs upon arrival.

Acclimating the eggs to the new water.

Placing the eggs into the breeder box to hatch.

Fingerlings feeding on the surface.

If you are interested in having your school participate in this program please feel free to contact us at and we will be happy to answer your questions. There is grant money available from the EPA and other organizations that should offset the cost of materials and supplies. We can help you with that as well.


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