Trout in the Classroom - update

Bob DeGraff has been leading our chapter's Trout in the Classroom (TIC) initiative for many years. Despite COVID, it is still going strong!  Currently there are 8 tanks going:


  • 2 in Waukegan
  • 3 in Highland Park
  • 1 in Wheeling
  • 1 in Arlington Heights
  • 1 in Wilmette


We will have Bob present a formal update on the Trout in the Classroom at an upcoming meeting. Each year TIC provides students with a powerful hands-on educational experience. This includes properly maintaining the aquarium and raising trout from eggs to fingerlings, then releasing them to the wild in the spring.


We are seeking volunteers to help Bob this spring, and to eventually provide Bob with a replacement in managing this initiative. If you have an interest, please contact Bob directly at








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